Small Hydropower Workshop – 28 February 2016

22. February 2016, Reading time: 1 min

The one-day Small Hydropower Workshop taking place on 28th February, prior to ASIA 2016, at the National Convention Centre, Vientiane. It is entitled “Design a small hydropower project in one day”.


It is being organized by British Hydropower Training in partnership with Gilkes. It will be conducted by Prof. David Williams (former CEO of the British Hydropower Association) and Gordon Black (babyHydro), who have designed and run successful small hydropower training courses for the BHA since 2013. This will be a ‘hands-on’ workshop, with participants developing a design for an actual hydro project site in Laos.  It is aimed at people who are, or will be, involved in hydro development as part of rural electrification programmes, and will cover run-of-river projects in the range 1 kW up to 10 MW. You can register for the Small Hydropower Workshop at the same time as registering for ASIA 2016.  If you have already registered for ASIA 2016, and wish to add on participating at this workshop, email at: