
8th Edition Hydropower Plant Digitalization Forum in Vienna1 min read

1. April 2019, Reading Time: < 1 min

8th Edition Hydropower Plant Digitalization Forum in Vienna1 min read

Lesedauer: < 1 Minute

Hydropower asset owners, decision makers and other stakeholders come to Vienna in June to move forward in transforming the energy infrastructure and build a sustainable energy future.

At The 8th Edition Hydropower Plant Digitalization Meeting you can expect to be a part of engaging discussions on how to enhance hydro plant efficiency through digitalization. The renowned experts represent key players in the sector and will provide all attendees with actionable insights on the use of data analytics, AI and blockchain for minimizing risks and reducing operational costs.

Date: 26-27 June

Location: Vienna, Austria


General Phone#: +420 270 003 435

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