Belgrade hosts sustainable energy and environmental experts

13. April 2017, Reading time: 3 min

RENEXPO® WATER & ENERGY ist the biggest international trade fair and conference program in the region dealing with sustainable energy developments, environment protection, water and waste treatment.

The event takes place for the forth time in Belgrade from April 25 to 27.

20% discount for participation at the conferences for registrations prior to April 20.

More than 2,500 experts from Serbia, region and Europe will gather at RENEXPO® WATER & ENERGY trade fair and conference program this year. They will exchange views, knowledge and information on the latest technological developments, innovations and solutions for sustainable development in the field of energy and environment.

RENEXPO in Belgrade is this year once again truly international platform – said Johann Georg Ruhm, CEO of the company REECO Serbia, which organises this event. He also explained that international charachter means that 65% of exibitors and 20% of visitors come from abroad.

During the three-day-event several important conferences will be organized with  the aim to find solutions to some of the most common problems that investors face. The participants will also try to identify existing opportunities for new projects and investments, through lectures, analysis and presentations of the leading consultants, representatives of state institutions, local governments and associations, public utility companies and business sector.

The topics that will be in focus of this year’s conferences are water management, waste treatment and electricity production from waste (waste to energy), biomass, biogas, solar and hydropower plans and wind park projects, but also the topic of electric vehicles and development of supporting infrastructure. 

The Kingdom of the Netherlands is RENEXPO® Water& Energy official partner country this year. It will be represented by 20 companies that will exhibit at the “orange booth”. Their experts will also present the best practices in water management and renewable energy sources utilization. The Embassy of the Netherlands will also organize two free-of-charge workshops.

Numerous companies from Germany, Austria, France, Hungary and other countries will participate at the trade fair and demonstrate their excellence in providing new technologies and development of complex energy and environmental management solutions.

Admission to the event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Visitors can registrate for the event through the website Participation in the conferences is charged with promotional prices. 20% discount is secured if registration is made prior to April 20.

For more information please contact:
Ljiljana Milanković, project manager,
REECO Serbia,; +381-21-210 2045


Leading international renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental trade fair with professional conferences incorporated in RENEXPO® brand name will be organized for the third time in Serbia. RENEXPO® Western Balkans will present an alternative to the production of heat and electricity using available biomass and biogas resources, technical and economic potentials of hydropower and the importance of the implementation of projects that enable rational energy consumption in construction, industry and public lighting. RENEXPO® has been recognized as the high-quality European energy platform structured as the most important industry meeting of this kind.

About REECO:
Organizes trade fairs and custom made events on renewable energy and energy efficient building and renovation in cooperation with national and international companies, institutions, authorities and ministries. Company REECO SRB d.o.o. from Novi Sad forms part of the REECO® Group with headquarters in Germany and offices in Poland, Romania, Switzerland and Austria. Serbian REECO team organizes RENEXPO® events in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, where all Western Balkan countries are participating. Since 1997 until today, more than 50.000 professionals from over 70 countries attend trade fairs and conferences of this kind every year, organized by the REECO® Group.