Congress and Exhibition “Hydropower Latin America 2018”

26. June 2018, Reading time: 1 min

British consulting company Vostock Capital has prepared a free report on hydropower investment projects being launched in Latin America in 2019-2025.

Among the 200+ projects mentioned in the report: 

  • Peru: HYDRICA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Total installed capacity of all hydropower plants will amount to 55.7 MW. The construction cost is valued at $140m.
  • Peru: SANTA MARIA. The project comprises a 137-m dam, a reservoir, a 29-km tunnel, and 4 Pelton turbines. HPP capacity amounts to 750 MW. Investment: US $1,600m
  • Сhile: LOS CONDORES. Expected capacity is 150 MW. Project investment is estimated at approx. US $ 792m. Expected completion date: 2020
  • Argentina: NESTOR KIRCHNER & JORGE CEPERNIC (CÓNDOR CLIFF-BARRANCOSA) – hydropower complex with the capacity of 1.740 MW. Expected cost of the complex to be located in Santa Cruz province will amount to US $5bn
  • Bolivia: MIGUILLAS. The installed capacity is 200 MW. Commercial operation of this US $450m project will start in 2019 and others.

Request the full list of investment projects

Please note that these and other investment projects will be presented during the international Congress and Exhibition “Hydropower Latin America 2018 (3-4 October, Santiago, Chile). The congress is supported by Chile’s Ministry of Energy.