Connectathon Energy 2019 in Austria for the first time
The first Connectathon Energy test laboratory in Austria opened its doors on 28 January 2019 in the ENERGYbase at UAS Technikum Wien.
“As part of the three-year research project entitled ‘Integrating the Energy System’, it was possible to develop an interoperability process which makes it possible to adopt an integrated methodology for standardised application of standards for the energy system. What we have created here is a flagship international project,” explains Stefan Sauermann, key researcher for interoperability and standards at UAS Technikum Wien. New requirements placed on the energy networks and the energy market make it necessary for data to be capable of being exchanged between different systems easily, securely and cost-effectively. With the IES Austria research project and the Connectathon test laboratory at UAS Technikum Wien, Austria is an international pioneer when it comes to the interoperability of ICT systems.