Hidroenergia Innovation Award

1. January 2013, Reading time: 2 min

The Sci­en­tific Com­mit­tee of Hidroen­er­gia 2014 thanks all appli­cants for their valu­able con­tri­bu­tions. All can­di­dates have been invited to present their pro­posal dur­ing the con­gress ses­sions.

The for­mal nom­i­na­tion of the three best pro­pos­als will take place at the clos­ing round table ses­sion of the con­gress on Fri­day, 23 May 2014, at 15h30. We wish all can­di­dates best of luck and keep our fin­gers crossed.

ESHA, the Euro­pean voice of small hydropower, has always been sup­port­ing the inno­v­a­tive devel­op­ment. To notify this inten­tion pub­licly, ESHA is for the first time adver­tis­ing an award in the frame of Hidroen­er­gia 2014.

The Hidroen­er­gia Inno­va­tion Award should dec­o­rate a per­son who has elab­o­rated and devel­oped sci­en­tific find­ings in the wider field of hydropower. The results to be awarded should have sig­nif­i­cant pos­i­tive impact on the fur­ther hydropower development.

Find­ings to be pre­sented should ori­gin from dif­fer­ent fields such as tech­nol­ogy, econ­omy, ecol­ogy as well as a polit­i­cal and legal per­spec­tive. The basic pre­con­di­tion is sci­en­tific nov­elty and seriousness.

To sup­port and moti­vate par­tic­u­larly young per­sons the max­i­mum age for par­tic­i­pants is 35 years.

ESHA intends to address explic­itly stu­dents with their bach­e­lor the­sis, mas­ter the­sis and PhD but sim­i­larly research work con­ducted in companies.

Pro­pos­als for the award must be in Eng­lish and should be elec­tron­i­cally sub­mit­ted via the abstract link prior to the 31st of Jan­u­ary 2014. Please men­tion “Hidroen­er­gia Inno­va­tion Award” in your abstract title. Abstracts should not exceed 3,500 char­ac­ters and 650 words. Pic­tures, graphs and tables can be uploaded sep­a­rately. The title of the pro­posed paper should not exceed 200 characters.

The solemn hand­ing over of the award will take place dur­ing the con­gress clos­ing ses­sion which will be attended by high-level experts and politicians.

The three best can­di­dates will receive some price money as well as a free full del­e­gate pass for the whole dura­tion of the congress.
