Himachal Pradesh government approves amendments in hydro-policy
The Himachal Pradesh government in the north of India has approved amendments in the hydro power policy with a view to reviving 737 stalled projects of 5,500 MW capacity and attracting investors for new projects, …
… reports the online edition of the „Economic Times“ in early May. The state cabinet in its meeting decided to make it mandatory for State Electricity Board to purchase power produced by hydro projects with capacity up to 10 MW. The cabinet gave approval to the proposal that the generic tariff applicable in case of Hydro Power Projects (HEPs) up to 25 MW will be from the date of the commissioning and not from the date of implementation agreement, a release said. It was also approved that wheeling charges/open access charges will not be levied for HEPs up to 25 MW capacity, enabling them to sell power on competitive rates outside the state also.