HYDROFORUM Polish Hydropower Conferences
The HYDROFORUM Polish Hydropower Conferences continue the PHC RENEXPO Poland conference cycle as initiated in 2011. The renaming follows from the Polish arena having been left by the REECO GmbH group,
… the organiser of the RENEXPO Poland annual fair of renewable energy and energy effectiveness. The second term of the current name refers to the HYDROFORUM series of techno-scientific conferences organised by the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the period between 1973 and 2005. The Polish Hydropower Conferences form a platform for discussion on challenges encountered by the hydropower sector in Poland and other European countries in view of changes in its legal & administrative constraints, but also capabilities resulting from the hydropower potential, available technology and environmental requirements. The events provide a unique opportunity in the region for exchange of opinions and information on observed trends and prospects for the sector, as well as experience on erection and operation of hydropower installations, new solutions to technical problems and the results of R&D efforts. The debate is attended by representatives of broadly conceived hydropower sector, academic institutions, central and local authorities as well as NGOs. The conferences are addressed to the representatives of the whole region of Central-Eastern and Northern Europe. As always it counts also on the interest from outside of this area. The Conference is planned for two days. The debate will be carried out in Polish and English with simultaneous interpretation support. The conference venue is located in the South Eastern Poland in direct neighbourhood to the Solina Dam and Hydropower Plant (200 MW) at the foot-hills of Bieszczady mountain range. Optional tourist programme for October 11th or 12th is under consideration.
You can register to the Conference by sending the completed registration form at the following address: Biuro Towarzystwa Elektrowni Wodnych, ul. Piaskowa 18, 84-240 Reda, Poland, pho-ne/fax: +48 58 678 79 51, e-mail: biuro@tew.pl.
The call for papers and registration forms are available from the Polish Hydropower Association and the Szewalski Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery websites.