REECO Holding named a new management in REECO SRB

21. February 2017, Reading time: 2 min

REECO Holding  named a new management of the office, responsible for Western Balkans activities in Novi Sad. Ms. Ljiljana A. Milanković, is the new project manager of REECO in Serbia

“We continue as the best platform for transferring knowledge in renewable energy. I invite you, together to make a Western Balkan region more energy efficient part of the world. See you in Belgrade in April at RENEXPO® Water & Energy event” –  Ljiljana A. Milanković, Project Manager of REECO SRB

 Plans for 2017 and organisation of brand new concept of the trade fair and conferences which will take place in April in Belgrade, gathering water and energy sector from entire Western Balkans region and South East Europe, require coordinated activities and networking of all REECO Group offices. Realisation of this plan began with working visit of  General Director of REECO Holding GmbH & Co to Novi Sad office.

“REECO Group activities in the region, additionally to organising trade fairs and conferences  include the announcement of the future steps that each Western Balkans country must take in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy and environmental protection. Clear planning visions and highly dedicated team with huge experience in organising trade fairs in Germany, Austria, Poland and Serbia is the key to our successes. Speciality and leading position of the company is reflected in connecting and coordinating across board businesses. New concept that will be presented in April by REECO SRB will be an excellent opportunity for our customers to experience this ” – said Johann-Georg Röhm the director of the company.

RENEXPO® Water & Energy, Trade Fair Exhibition, Conferences, Open Forum Seminars present: Hydro Power, Biogas, Biomass, PV and Wind Energy. Next to renewables, water sector is presenting: Waste Water Treatment, Drinking Water and Risk Disaster.

 Visitors have the opportunity to learn (be informed) about updates and innovations in the Energy Efficient Houses, Heat Pumps and Heating / Cooling System. E- Mobility is taking place in the exhibition hall, giving the opportunity to the visitors to test electric vehicles.