RENEXPO INTERHYDRO 2020 – clean hydropower energy for a secure future

5. October 2020, Reading time: 2 min

For the 12th time, the (small) hydropower industry get-together with conferen­ce will inform about the contribution hydropower makes to a safe, sus­tainable, affordable and climate-neutral power supply.

In 2020, from 26 to 27 November, Europe‘s get-together for the hydropower industry will once again provide a unique platform for knowledge transfer, exchange of experience and networking.

In order to be able to continue to guarantee the energy supply security status quo in the future, energy system with a rapidly growing share of fluctuating, renewable energies, it will be necessary to balance out surpluses and shortfalls in the electricity grid. Hydropower as a storable and flexible energy source will play a central role here. At the trade fair, many new impressions and solutions can be presented repeatedly, especially for planners and operators of (small) hydroelectric power plants.

Burning issues of hydropower
The theme of this year‘s event is how the industry can face up to media and energy policy developments in our changing times. For example, at the opening ceremony and the subsequent Energy Talk, well-known representatives from politics, business and associations will discuss the topic. Salzburg Province’s Deputy Governor, Dr. Heinrich Schellhorn, patron of the event, knows about the importance of hydropower for the entire region in the context of­­­ SALZBURG 2050 climate and energy strategies – and also underlins the significance of ­RENEXPO INTERHYDRO as a key gathering for discussing issues and exchanging ideas. “Climate protection and an energy transition across the province of Salzburg, indeed throughout Europe, can only be achieved by working together. We need to make joint efforts and guarantee a broad exchange of expertise, information and experience. The RENEXPO INTERHYDRO makes an important contribution by encouraging discourse on the status quo and necessary future developments.” The challenges for the industry in this regard are obvious, because after all, it is a political and municipal obligation to secure the energy supply and to curb climate change. It is thus all the more important to use the existing capabilities of hydropower and to expand them safely and rapidly, always with aquatic ecology in mind.

Strong partners
Once again in 2020, more than 25 trade associations from 4 continents with more than 100 expected exhibitors will join forces to ma­ke this leading event a success. The future of hydropower will be discussed at the 5th Eu­ropean association get-together at the­­­ RENEXPO INTERHYDRO. The industry representatives will meet in Salzburg. The focus will be on highlighting the great advantages of hydropower and how it can be expanded in an ecologically friendly way. National and European legislation will also be discussed.