Renexpo Interhydro Salzburg becoming a central hydroelectrical energy hub
If there are two meaningful indicators for the quality of a congress trade fair, then these must be the response from participants and the rebooking percentage.
In the case of RENEXPO® INTERHYDRO in Salzburg, both parameters are convincing. After around 2,000 visitors from throughout Europe passed through the turnstiles last year, we can once again count on a full house this year. On 29 to 30 November, the 9th edition of the RENEXPO® INTERHYDRO will take place in the trade fair centre in Salzburg. The focus will once more be on the most current themes of the industry, such as questions of economic efficiency and storage possibilities.
Europe’s small hydroelectric energy industry is currently going through turbulent times. Wedged in the field of tension between increasing ecological requirements and market prices for green energy that are currently at an all time low, the main thing is to reposition and, above all else, once again find a solid perspective for the future. To do this, profound analyses, effective communication and a strong network are required. RENEXPO® INTERHYDRO has in the meantime established itself as the ideal hub for the central agendas of the small and medium hydroelectric energy segments. It offers operators, planners, project developers, investors, municipalities, energy utility companies, but also politics, science, research institutions and industry a unique platform for presentation, knowledge transfer and exchanging experiences, as well as for establishing new contacts. Excursions with the aim of a practice-oriented exchange of know-how round off the event.
Several focal themes characterise the event as in previous years. For one thing, the “Hydroelectric Energy & Energy Storage” will provide the theme of pump storage a lot of space in the 3rd edition. The storage of volatile forms of energy remains one of the central questions of the energy economy. In the process, aspects like technical innovations, matters of relevance for the grid and questions concerning the competition of pump storage with other forms of storage will be at the forefront. Alternative storage options for smaller and medium-sized operators will also be discussed in greater detail. Another important point in the programme will be the 9th International Small Hydroelectric Energy Conference: Presenting “Innovation and Economic Efficiency”. There is hardly another question of more importance to private operators today: What marketing possibilities does the market offer? Can I also participate in the control energy market? What are the most important prerequisites for surviving under the currently difficult marketing conditions? Particularly the small hydroelectric conference has developed into an extremely popular forum, in which a lively exchange of experience and knowledge takes place and new contacts are established.
Of course ecological thinking will once again receive its due at this year’s RENEXPO® INTERHYDRO. In the context of the 5th trade congress entitled “Aquatic ecology for reconcilable hydroelectric energy expansion”, experts will be present with their specialist knowledge. Which aspects need to be observed with regard to the renewed awarding of water rights, what requirements with regard to fish migration can operators anticipate, or what new legal basic conditions exist? In this context, all ecologically relevant questions are answered.
In connection with this, the fisheries associations should for the first time be more closely integrated into the communication this year. Dialogue with the nature conservation will also be intensified. It remains an important matter to also communicate the agendas of hydroelectric energy positively. This ultimately because it still bears the stigma of being perceived too negatively among the public and its importance underestimated.
Another central point in the context of this year’s congress trade fair is provided by the aspect of internationality. In addition to the two forums, the Eastern Europe Forum and the Western Europe Forum, the focus of attention this time is also on the Dark Continent: small and medium-sized hydroelectric energy in Africa will be the themes in the 1st Africa Hydroelectric Energy Forum. A very exciting thematic focus. Ultimately, Africa is considered one of the future markets for hydroelectric energy, even though African hydroelectric energy projects are often confronted with considerable challenges. Regrettably, water measurements in some countries have not taken place since the 1980s and 1990s due to regional political conflicts. This is exacerbated by other challenges, such as questions of geology, feed possibilities, general connection possibilities, but also by questions of licensing rights or even something as simple as language barriers. Those who invest today in the African hydroelectric market can look forward to big opportunities with considerable risk. In the context of the 1st Africa Hydroelectric Energy Forum, the central key points should be thematised and an interesting overview of potential and options on the Dark Continent be offered.
The RENEXPO® INTERHYDRO attracted around 2,000 guests to the Mozart city of Salzburg in 2016. 300 conference participants were also registered. No less than 110 exhibitors made use of the opportunity to present their products and services to a well-informed public. These figures alone impressively demonstrate the success of last year’s event.
It has been shown that the city of Salzburg, with regard to its geographical location, but also not least due to its attractiveness in tourism terms, has gradually become an ideal place for a congress trade fair for hydroelectric energy, which today is justifiably considered one of the most important hubs of the European hydroelectric energy industry.
From 29 to 30 November 2017, the RENEXPO® INTERHYDRO will once again open its doors in the trade fair centre in Salzburg. The RENEXPO® PV & Power Storage will take place simultaneously as a partner event. The preparations for this are already running at full speed.