RENEXPO Western Balkans 2016 3rd Small Hydropower-Conference in Belgrade
The 2-day event RENEXPO Western Balkans open the doors to the entire Western Balkans from 20th – 21st of April 2016 at Belexpocenter in Belgrade.
RENEXPO Western Balkans will feature over a hundred international exhibitors from more than 15 countries worldwide and 2.000 visitors on 2000 m² of exhibition area. More then 100 available projects of the entire Western Balkans region will be presented at the Investors-Business Lounge.
B2B MEETINGS WITH SERBIAN ENGINEERS – RENEXPO organizes the meetings with experienced Serbian engineers for Hydro Power, Biomass and Biogas. International companies, that plan to start their operation in the region will appreciate it during decision making processes. ENERGIEWENDE – the travelling exhibition from Berlin ( will have its premiere at RENEXPO Western Balkans and present on total space of 100m² an interactive experience in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.
Waste Management – all about the status, potential as well as projects and partners are presented in Belgrade. In the Exhibition, during B2B meetings and leading experts in the Conference are part of this new topic that has joined the RENEXPO program. Biogas conference – The 1st in Serbia will be also held in the core of the international platform. After a very promising introduction on legislation and framework, the entire MUST KNOW regarding Biogas in Serbia will be presented at RENEXPO. Small hydro power conference – The 3rd of this kind, offers the opportunity to meet and network with operators, construction firms, planners, developers, ministry and researchers in the industry. National and International experts will share their knowledge and experience in topics regarding small hydropower in the Western Balkans Region. Biomass at RENEXPO will be presented by: 3rd Biomass conference Western Balkans – the who is who in Bio Energy presenting Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Together with the Serbian Association of Biomass SERBIO, the Bioenergy cluster GREENLINE, support of European Biomass Association and leading expert speakers we are inviting you to this side program of RENEXPO.
Project BioRES – Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy will have their first training conference in the core of RENEXPO Western Balkans. BioRES aims at introducing the innovative concept of Biomass Logistic and Trade Centres (BLTC) in Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria based on international cooperation with European technology leaders. Wind Power Round Table – after the introduction of the first Wind Park in Serbia, RENEXPO provides the meeting point for the exchange between national and international experts. Photovoltaic Bosnia and Herzegovina Round Table – Meet the experts and projects from Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Round Table in the core of RENEXPO Western Balkans