Renexpo Western Balkans: power of the water – power of the future
4th RENEXPO Water & Energy Western Balkans is the platform that promotes a dialogue on all aspects of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
From 25th -27th April in Belgrade RENEXPO brings relevant interlocutors and experts which recognized water as a driving energy in the future. Our conference topics attracted the attention of most influential companies in Hydro sector such as Andritz Hydro and Global Hydro Energy GmbH, and also the media who will convey to the public the importance of investment in this energy segment.
Hydropower is a key energy source in this region, with the construction of over 570 large dams with hydropower facilities (each with a capacity of over 1MW) that is being planned and many have been completed already.
Reasons why RENEXPO topics are so actual lies in facts: hydroelectric plants with a capacity of 20 MW or less are a valuable segment of the hydro industry, providing local power in underdeveloped countries and sources of new capacity in established markets; on the other side new refurbishment projects are set to boost hydropower capacity worldwide and extend the life of existing assets in an economic and environmentally friendly approach.
Both those subjects opens a space for very lucid discussions: Is there enough interest to invest in refurbishment of existing plants? What is the amount of support of the relevant ministries? At what level is public awareness on this important field of energy?
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