The challenges for hydroelectric power on the test bench of science

18. October 2017, Reading time: 1 min

A real highlight of the hydroelectric autumn hit the stage from 9 to 11 November of the previous year in Laxenburg, Austria:

For the in the meantime 19th time, the “International Seminar on Hydroelectric Power Plants”, the “Viennahydro”, opened its doors before the gates of Vienna. The event, which takes place every two years, has for many years been internationally counted among the best-established and most renowned hydroelectric power events. Viennahydro also lived up to its reputation in 2016. Around 260 participants from around the world arrived to inform themselves on the newest technical trends and themes. The focus of last year’s event was thereby on the broad thematic complex of “The flexible operation of hydroelectric power plants in energy systems”. The conference has traditionally been organised by the Technische Universität Wien, or more precisely by the Institute for Energy Systems and Thermodynamics and by the Institute for Hydraulic Engineering.