Uzbekistan wants to make greater use of hydropower potential
The Central Asian country of Uzbekistan has plans to construct a total of 20 hydropower plants between 2020 and 2024, according to a recent report by the online portal “Eurasian Press”.
The development programme for the Uzbek hydropower plant sector, which is being adopted by the Government of Uzbekistan, envisages the construction of four large and 16 smaller hydropower plants. In addition, over this period the maintenance and refurbishment of 21 existing power plants is also planned. The total costs of these construction projects will amount to roughly 2.6 billion dollars. Overall, the construction of the hydropower plants is intended to generate around 2.8 billion kWh of electricity. In Uzbekistan, currently roughly 30 percent of the existing hydropower potential is utilised, and the annual generation capacity is 27.5 billion kWh. At the moment a considerable proportion of the demand for energy in the country is still met by thermal power plants.