
Ford assessing energy generation from hydropower for e-mobility1 min read

15. February 2023, Reading Time: < 1 min

Ford assessing energy generation from hydropower for e-mobility1 min read

Lesedauer: < 1 Minute

Ford and start-up RheinSharing, which began as an interdisciplinary students’ initiative at the Technical University of Cologne, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. In March 2021, six automotive engineering and architecture students had been awarded second place in the Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge for their idea of generating renewable energy from the current of the Rhine river and utilising it to supply power to charging points for electric cars. Based on their prize­-winning concept, which they had developed for the Rheinauhafen in Cologne, RheinSharing will develop a new concept for Ford’s industrial premises on the Rhine within the framework of their collaboration.

photo credits: Marc Boberach/Pixelio.de
