
South Tyrol pioneers the power of hydrogen from hydroelectrics1 min read

22. February 2023, Reading Time: < 1 min

South Tyrol pioneers the power of hydrogen from hydroelectrics1 min read

Lesedauer: < 1 Minute

The online portal UnserTirol.com recently reported that the parliament of the South Tyrol provincial government had contracted the local energy provider Alperia, and a number of other licence-holders, to investigate potential opportunities, strategies and projects for the production of hydrogen from hydropower, and – if viable – to implement them. The decision was the result of a majority vote in support of a proposal submitted by the region’s Freedom Party to favour hydrogen as a source of energy for a whole range of applications. Ulli Mair, provincial MP and head of the local Freedom Party, submitted the proposition, an explains: “The Freedom Party petition was supported by the province’s conservative SVP party and signed by their spokesperson Gerd Lanz. South Tyrol has the potential to exploit hydrogen as a clean source of energy. However, this requires investments and subsidies. These can be justified in the context of climate change and the need to protect the environment and nature.” In South Tyrol there is no lack of ideas or possible approaches, but first they need to be subsidised. South Tyrol possesses numerous hydroelectric power plants and biomass power stations, so the prerequisites for hydrogen production are excellent.

photo credits: Pixabay.com
