Innovative Strom-Boje shows its strengths in the Danube1 min read
Lesedauer: 2 MinutenStrom-Boje is an innovative floating hydropower plant devised for deployment on mid- sized and large rivers by Aqua Libre GmbH from Lower Austria. It is expected to be ready for serial production very soon. Most of the developmental work has been done by Fritz Mondl, who has been honing the system for something like 15 years. The system has already won awards, such as the Energy Globe and the Austrian Climate Protection Prize, for its universal usability, because it is environmentally benign, and because its construction enables it to be used in flood conditions and a wide range of scenarios.

© Fritz Mondl
As the name suggests, this small hydroelectric power station floats in the river, where a chain attached to the ground serves as an anchor. Fritz Mondl achieved the most recent developmental enhancement of the Strom-Boje with the active and expert support of Bilfinger Industrial Services GmbH, an internationally-acknowledged constructor of industrial-purpose steel infrastructure based in Linz. Bilfinger gave the most recent prototype of the floating small-scale hydropower plant a complete overhaul, optimised its aquadynamic properties and also manufactured the ‘Edith 2’ transport ship along the lines of a catamaran for the installation and maintenance of the Strom-Boje.