
  • 26. November 2018

    New record for green electricity in Germany

    According to calculations by the energy provider E.ON, in 2017 renewable energies generated more power…
  • 14. November 2018

    3rd International Congress and Exhibition “Hydropower. The Caspian and Central Asia” (20-21 February, Tbilisi, Georgia)

    3rd International Congress “Hydropower. The Caspian and Central Asia” from 20th-21st February, Tbilisi, Georgia, is…
  • 5. November 2018

    India raises expansion targets for small-scale hydropower

    By 2022, the Indian Government wants to bolster its capacities for generating renewable energies up…
  • 27. September 2018

    RENEXPO® BIH International platform for water, energy and environment

    The Fifth International Trade Fair on Energy, Water and Environmental Protection – RENEXPO® BiH in…
  • 18. September 2018

    The Polish Hydropower Conference “RENEXPO Poland” – only few days left

    Only few days have been left to launching the Eighth Polish Hydropower Conference RENEXPO Poland…
  • 17. September 2018

    RENEXPO® INTERHYDRO – Europe’s meeting point for hydropower

    With a production of more than 342 TWh – around 35.5 % of the electricity…
  • 26. July 2018

    RENEXPO INTERHYDRO: New markets for hydropower

    The Western Balkan region has the largest remaining unexploited hydropower potential in Europe as its…
  • 19. July 2018

    Brand-new hydropower fact sheets launched

    Hydropower plays a major role in meeting Europe’s ambitious energy transition goals. In addition to…
  • 3. July 2018

    Current status of the Trilogue meetings and the potential impact on the European electricity market

    The Clean Energy Package currently discussed by the EU institutions (Commission, Parliament and Council) has…
  • 26. June 2018

    Congress and Exhibition “Hydropower Latin America 2018”

    British consulting company Vostock Capital has prepared a free report on hydropower investment projects being launched in Latin…

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